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Acquisition of UIC GmbH / UIC GmbH的收购

作者 管理员 浏览 1047 发布时间 2022-05-13 10:28:25

Acquisition of UIC GmbH / UIC GmbH的收购

Published on: 16. August 2018 00 /发布日期:2018816


On 18th July 2018, VTA Verfahrenstechnische AnlagenGmbH & Co. KG has acquired the company sharesof UIC GmbH from BDI --- Bio-Energy International GmbH. Therefore, withimmediate effect, UIC is part of the successful STREICHER Group.


2018718VTA Verfahrens technischeAnlagen GmbH & Co. KG收购了BDI --- Bio-energyInternational GmbHUIC GmbH公司股份。即刻生效UIC成为了Streicher集团的一部分。

UICand VTA are well-known specialists in thermal process engineering (constructionof thin film and short path distillation plants in laboratory, pilot orindustrial scale).


Infuture both companies will benefit of the synergies in research &development, sales and production. UIC GmbH will retain its independence and,together with VTA, will expand the technological expertise and market presence.The company site in Alzenau/Hörstein as well as the brand UIC will remainunchanged.

未来,两家公司都将受益于研发、销售和生产方面的协同效应。UIC GmbH将保持其独立性,并将与VTA一起扩大技术专长和市场份额。阿兹诺/霍斯坦的UIC公司网站以及UIC品牌将保持不变。

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