锂离子电池回收 - 回收有价值的金属
lithium-ion Battery
Recycling – Recovering the Valuable Metals
锂离子电池回收 - 回收有价值的金属

The demand for lithium-ion batteries being produced for
use in consumer electronics and electric vehicles has exploded in recent
years. This trend is expected to
continue as more and more states are pushing, and in some cases legislating the
move to all-electric cars in the not-too-distant future. Ultimately this will
create a growing need for technologies to recover and recycle the materials
used in these batteries. Metals used in lithium-ion
batteries are both valuable and toxic.
This raises the question of how the metals in these batteries can be
safely recovered and reused.
多伦多大学化学工程与应用化学系的Jiakai Zhang和Gisele Azimi一直在研究超临界二氧化碳和几种关键改性剂的使用,以提高这些金属的回收率。他们的论文“开发了一种超临界流体萃取工艺,使用超临界CO2溶剂、磷酸三丁酯-硝酸和过氧化氢加合物,从电动汽车的锂离子电池中回收四种金属”报道了显著的研究成果。